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Rock Steady 07/03/25

 Rock On!  

Rock Steady came to school on 7th March 2025 to lead an electrifying interactive assembly and deliver KS1 and KS2 workshops on the pop/rock music genre. Pupils said: 

“It was really fun and so cool – I just can’t wait for it!” 

“I thought that it was AMAZING and I got a new hobby from it and am going to start a band!” 

“It was so fun and I got to learn more about different style of music!” 

The experience ignited so much interest that Rock Steady has been booked to deliver weekly music tuition. Pupils will be able to form bands and will learn to play the electric guitar, electric drums or keyboard and will rehearse for concerts. What an exciting new opportunity! 

Nicola Mills 10.01.24

What an incredible interactive performance we had with Nicola Mills on 10th January!

Nicola is an opera singer whose talent has taken her around the world. She was even on the News during the COVID lockdowns for bringing ‘opera to the people’ on residential streets to lift spirits – a good deed which brought her to the attention of the Royal Family! Nicola’s story that she found her talent at the age of 14 when she was given singing lessons for free taught us that you never know when your life might change and the power that we have to change other people’s lives through acts of kindness.

She encouraged us to seek out things that ‘make our hearts happy’, just as opera singing does for her. We were thrilled by her performance of some opera by Puccini and had the most wonderful time joining in, in various ways, with Nicola’s rendition of a variety of more modern songs including ‘Somewhere Over the Rainbow’, ‘Anything Goes’ and ‘In the Jungle the Mighty Jungle’. She was so blown away by our shared performance of ‘A Spoonful of Sugar’ and ‘Supercalifragelisticexpiallydocious’ (songs from last year’s Year 5 and 6 Summer Performance) that she has invited us to join her on stage in a musical production that she is planning in March 2026 – so watch this space! We are very excited by the prospect! We certainly finished the afternoon with happy hearts. Thank you, Nicola! 

Carols Round the Tree 16.12.24 

Every year at Christmastime we have the pleasure of a visit from Ripon City Band, who accompany us for our ‘Carols Round the Tree’. Families joined us for a joyful singalong and it was a lovely way to continue our Christmas festivities in school. 

Christmas Service 19.12.24 

We were so proud of our Singing Club today for another beautiful performance in church for our Christmas Service. ‘Somewhere in my Memory’ was sang so touchingly and with such control; they had clearly worked very hard on tone and timing for maximum tear extraction from the audience. A jolly ‘Jingle Bell Rock’ had everyone joining in and everyone had a very merry time indeed! A big thank you to Mr Tunnard too, who plays live piano accompaniment to our whole-school songs. 

Bart Gee: Inspirational Visitor 19.09.24 

Today we had the opportunity to meet an inspiring individual – Bart Gee – who showed us that ‘difficult’ means ‘possible!’ when he demonstrated his talent on the piano, having defied the messages he received growing up about what he would and would not be able to achieve due to his condition of Arthrogryposis. We listened to his stories and watched his talent in awe. We will certainly remember his message and keep reminding ourselves that: ‘We can do hard things – difficult means possible!’ 


Primary Robins 07.11.24 

This week we welcomed, for the first time, an opera singer into school! From the Primary Robins project – courtesy of Pimlico Opera – Mrs Gayle will be spending 30 minutes each week with classes across KS1 and KS2. Each term the ‘Robins’ have a new, specially prepared songbook of around 10 songs, one of which is in another language. All songs are traditional rather than pop tunes, and pupils learn about and apply musical notation and terminology along the way. Everyone was blown away by their first experience this week can’t wait for their next session! Watch this space for photos and maybe even videos! 


Singing Club Performance 8.11.24 

Our wonderful Singing Club performed ‘Firework’ for us in our Celebration Collective Worship this week. They are supported by our wonderful Mrs O’Paul, who runs the club every Tuesday lunchtime, and sounded fantastic! The rest of the school thoroughly enjoyed listening to some live music by their peers. 

Coming Soon!

Inspirational visitor – Opera singer Nicola Mills January 2025! 

In the pipeline

Rock Steady – A live music assembly led by a professional band to introduce children to bass, drums, keyboard, guitar and vocals in the pop and rock genre.