The school vision is modeled in our curriculum, where we promise to flourish together.
The art curriculum is a wonderful vehicle where our children can flourish creatively.
Art is taught in block units of 2 weeks . Over time children are taught skills in
3D creations
Children look at the art work of famous and local artists and some of their work is based on what they discover after in depth investigation into styles and techniques. We encourage children to be inspired by their own interests and observations of the natural world around them.

Below you will see our art submissions to The Royal Academy of Arts in London. The children were able to create a piece of artwork of their choice, explaining their reasons why they chose their creations. We were all very impressed by the enthusiasm and dedication of the all the children..
Design and Technology
DT is taught in block units of 2 weeks . Over time children are taught skills in
Designing based on their own ideas and from evaluating existing products.
Making and creating using materials, tools and components.
Basic food technology
Textiles and fabrics
Evaluating their own and other’s work.