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“Good literacy floats on a sea of talk” James Britton

We strive to ensure all our pupils develop a love of reading and work hard to ensure these reading skills, vocabulary choices and creative ideas link directly to the children’s writing.  We follow The National Curriculum’s guidance and teach the three distinct areas of Speaking and Listening, Reading and Writing, (which includes handwriting and spelling.)

We use the Write Stuff scheme from Reception upwards to excite and engage the children in the writing process, as well as embedding the skills of drafting, editing and re-drafting of their writing.  Each classroom has writing working walls that clearly show the wonderful work that is currently taking place in each class.

All writing outcomes are based around quality texts that children will read in class through shared and individual reading. Teachers plan writing opportunities that provide writing for a reason and give each piece of writing a real purpose. We understand that strengthening skills in reading, spelling, punctuation and grammar, enable our children to be confident, enthusiastic writers. 


Spelling is taught discretely daily in all classes. Spelling is also incidentally taught through all our subjects whenever new or challenging words come up. We have devised a new spelling routine which is the route to encoding new words. This was research informed from a variety of professional blogs.
