In the first couple of weeks children have lots of free choice to explore the classroom provision and short carpet sessions/circle times to talk through and set up routines, get to know each other and find out what our interests are.
In week 3, we start to introduce daily phonics sessions, short maths inputs and a writing focus linked to a book. It is just a guideline and can change depending on the children’s interests and other activities that are happening that day or week.
PE will be on a Tuesday. *Please bring PE kit in on a Monday so we can keep it in their locker ready for the session. PE is outside so please dress appropriately for the weather.
Phonics– the overview outlines the new phonemes and graphemes the children will be covering in the daily phonic sessions each week.
Maths – In EYFS we follow the NCETM Mastering Number programme. For the first three weeks in school we focus on getting to know the children and completing the Reception Baseline Assessment so we have a clear starting point; before starting the NCETM Mastering Number programme.
Drawing Club– is introduced into our daily routine in Autumn Term 2. Research shows the benefits of Drawing Club and the progress children can make through Drawing Club across all areas of child development is exceptional with the added bonus of confidence and joy!
Drawing Club is a true adventure and perfect for Reception children, and it can be adapted for Nursery too. It is based around the ‘Golden Blend’ of picture books, tales and animations, which involves a short period of ‘Time Together’ as a whole class followed by time with the children exploring their ideas and creativity.
– Immerses children in the world of story and shows them the joy of writing
– Shares a treasure trove of vocabulary with children to open up the playground of language to them
-Develops children’s creativity and imagination to show them that they are extraordinary