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School Day

Nursery children

6 hour Session 08:45 – 14:45

08:40am Children come into class and put their coat and rucksack in their locker.

14:45pm Please telephone the school office from the main gate to collect your child. 

14:45-15:15 Children can stay till the end of the school day at a daily charge of £2.10. 

3 hour morning session 08:45-11:45

08:45am Children come into class and put their coat and rucksack in their locker.

11:45am – Collect your child if they are not having dinner in school.

12:15pm – Children can stay until 12:15 at a daily charge of £2.10 plus £1.83 if having a school dinner

3 hour afternoon session (12:15pm-3:15pm)

12:15pm –  Please telephone the school office from the main gate and Mrs Walker will sign your child in. 

3:15pm – Please come to the classroom to meet your child.


Reception Children

08:45am – Children come into class and put their coats, PE kits and book bags in their locker.

11:45am- 12:45pm – Lunch time

3:15pm – Please come to the classroom to meet your child.


Years 1,2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 Children

08:40am – Straight into class ready for the days learning

08.45am   – All children should be in school; doors are closed, registers taken.

11:45 – 12:45pm – Lunch time

3:15pm – Please wait in the playground and your child will be sent to you by a member of staff.

Total weekly time is 32 hours and 15 minutes.

If you arrive after the gate has been locked please telephone the school office we will collect and sign your child in. 


Each child in Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 will receive a piece of fruit or vegetable each morning under the Government’s  Change4Life scheme. Children in Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 can bring a piece of fruit or vegetable to eat at morning break. Children under the age of 5 are entitled to the free milk scheme, where they will receive a glass of milk at morning break. If you wish your child to receive milk after their fifth birthday you can sign up online at http://www.coolmilk.com. Children are to bring a named water bottle each day to school containing water only.