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School Meals

North Yorkshire School Meals

Our school meals follow a healthy-eating policy.

Our meals are produced freshly every day in a school kitchen from only:

  • fresh meat and poultry sourced from the region
  • fruit and vegetables sourced regionally where possible using local suppliers
  • products free from additives associated with health problems in young children
  • fats free from hydrogenated oils
  • with menus that are nutritionally balanced


Children are able to choose from the main menu. Children are alternatively able to bring their own packed lunch.  Parents are requested to ensure that their child can open all packaging in their lunch to support independence.  Some food may need repackaging before adding it to their lunchboxes. 

School meals are cooked fresh every day in our onsite kitchen by our lovely cooks, Mrs Fiona Blackmore and Mrs Beccy Haswell. Children can choose from a hot meal, jacket potato or sandwich option. Children are able to select their choice each morning as the register is taken. There is a menu produced at the start of each term which operates on a three weekly cycle. 

There is a vegetarian option for children where an SD1 Special Diet Request form has been completed and a meeting has been held with the school cook.

Children from Nursery, Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 eat lunch from 11:45 – 12:15. Children from Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 eat their lunch from 12:15 – 12:45pm. 

School Dinners

Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children are entitled to a universal infant free school dinner; a subsidy grant received from the Government. Children in Years 3 – 6 are charged at £3.74 a day and these are charged through ParentPay. Nursery children are charged £2.10 for a school dinner.   

With many families facing financial hardship as the cost of living increases, we want to do all we can to ensure that every family that is eligible to claim Free School Meals (FSM) for their child is benefiting from this additional help. In order to make this as easy as possible for both schools and families, we are pleased to announce that North Yorkshire County Council have launched a new and improved application process. Please click Apply for free school meals online to see if you are eligible. 

Packed Lunches

In order to flourish, we need a healthy body and mind. To help us achieve this we have chosen to work towards achieving North Yorkshire’s Healthy Schools Award focusing on food as it plays such a big part in our health. We know that our school meal menus are carefully constructed by experts in food nutrition and so are beginning our journey by evaluating packed lunches. We would like to achieve:

  • For every lunch to have two pieces of fruit or vegetables, which includes at least one savoury.
  • Every lunch to contain a portion of protein.
  • That no lunches contain sugary or fatty foods.

We ask that children do not have nuts in their packed lunches as we have children in school with nut allergies. Please comply with this request so we can keep our children safe. We hold Healthy Schools status and encourage children to make healthy food choices. Can we please request that grapes/olives etc are cut in half lengthways to minimize a choking risk.