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School Uniform

We believe that parents have a duty to send their children to school correctly dressed and ready for their daily school work. One of the responsibilities of parents is to ensure that their child has the correct uniform, and that it is clean and in good repair.

The school uniform:

Black shoes, white polo shirt, Sharow school or plain navy jumper/cardigan, navy or dark grey skirt, skort or trousers. Blue gingham dress or dark grey shorts in the summer.

Hair accessories should be in simple and smart.

As we encourage our Reception children to spend their learning time exploring the environment, which very often includes mud, sand, paint and water, the children in reception can wear either a white or navy-blue polo shirt.  

PE Kit:- Blue shorts, plain white t-shirt, socks, pumps, trainers (for outdoor use). Navy tracksuit bottoms and Sharow school or plain navy jumper (winter uniform). Hair must be tied up and no jewellery to be worn on PE days.

Each half term we hold pre-loved uniform giveaways where you can rehome good quality school uniform.   If you have any pre-loved uniform, please put it in a carrier bag and deposit it in the brown lidded bin near the bike shelter. If you have a need for uniform at anytime, please ask us as we are likely to have some to give you.

Sharow school jumpers can be purchased through the online School Uniform Shop https://school-shop.co.uk/school/sharow-ce-primary-school/


If a child has pierced ears (plain stud earrings only), the earrings must be removed before coming to school on PE days. Clip on earrings and dangly earrings are not permitted.

Watches are permitted on the understanding that school cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage. 

Pupils should not wear any other jewellery.

If any items of uniform present a problem for any child or family you are invited to discuss possible alternatives with the Headteacher.