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Early Years Foundation Stage


Young children learn best through first-hand experience and when they are interested and motivated to learn, they develop a love of learning. We aim to provide every child with the skills to become a happy, independent and curious lifelong learner. Our priority is that our provision provides a high level of engagement and active learning through a range of learning opportunities. Ultimately, we help children today to prepare for their tomorrow.

Our Intent

At Sharow CE Primary School, we understand that children learn best when they are absorbed, interested and active. We believe that Early Years education should be as practical as possible and therefore, we are proud that our EYFS settings has an underlying ethos of ‘learning through play’. Play is essential for young children’s development across all areas. Play builds on children’s confidence as they learn to explore, to relate to others around them and develop relationships, set their own goals and solve problems. Our children learn by leading their own play and by taking part in play which is guided by adults.

We nurture every one of our children to achieve their very best and to flourish into confident, inquisitive, articulate, resilient and happy learners.

To achieve this, we have a tailor-made curriculum for our children that:

  • values everyone
  • ensures academic success
  • engages and inspires our children
  • is practical
  • enriches language
  • celebrates our world and community
  • fosters all talents
  • celebrates diversity
  • promotes resilience

Our Implementation

  • All children have access to outdoor learning, which is core element of our curriculum.
  • Provision/independent learning time makes up a high proportion of the day.
  • Provision is carefully enhanced and ever evolving to support the curriculum.
  • A specific topic is taught each week, with the areas of learning being enhanced to support the teaching of this. This is developed throughout the half-term to ensure coverage of the curriculum and that learning is embedded. 
  • Interventions’ are aided through the enabling environment such as; art materials using screw tops to develop fine motor skills.
  • Identification of Common Play Behaviours within provision-based learning. This ensures the progression of skills within continuous provision and supports all children’s flight paths.
  • High-quality interactions encourage behaviour for learning are nurturing and provide opportunities to develop vocabulary, communication and interactions.
  • Children’s behaviour expectations are high, there are well established routines and a ‘family’ environment where children have many opportunities to collaborate with one another such as shared EYFS provision times where they can develop relationships and skills.
  • Staff work closely together, a strong sense of direction and shared vision.
  • Children’s experiences are developed through visits into/from the local community e.g. Church, local library, parent talks, community garden project.
  • Transition is of high importance. Development of researched areas e.g. C&L and PSED. Collaborative working. Adapting and preparing for cohorts, dependent on need.

Our Impact

  • Children are happy, independent learners.
  • Children feel safe and able to make mistakes in order to learn.
  • Children make exceptional progress.
  • Children are prepared for the expectations of Key Stage 1.
  • Children are provided with above and beyond experiences that prepare them for their next stage of development.
  • Parents and the wider community are actively involved in our children’s learning.
  • All children feel included and respected members of the community.
  • Children’s needs are met and they feel valued.
  • All stakeholders are involved and invested.
  • Children are able to articulate their achievements and express their opinions on their learning experiences.