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English Writing Autumn Term

What a lot of lovely learning we’ve done in Simmonds Class in the first half term of Autumn! Our English recount writing took us on beautiful autumnal wanders to the woods where we enjoyed some picnic treats. Our experience inspired us to write sentences like these: 

I could hear wind whistling and a squirrel scurrying. 

As we excitedly ambled further and further into the autumnal woodland, I decided to help the wiggly woodland creatures.  

I rounded up and snapped brown twigs, copper coin leaves, green moss and prickly horse chestnut cases to make a sturdy, robust animal shelter. 

I guzzled a hot chocolate. It was really yummy. Really yummy and comforting. Really yummy, comforting and supremely creamy to drink.  

I felt content as I sipped my hot chocolate and cuddled my hands around it. 

I found a sycamore tree that had leaves that made it look like a gleaming orange pumpkin or a spluttering fire. 

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