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Geography Autumn Term : Map Skills
In Geography we have learnt how to read a map of the school with a key to find our furry friend and have developed our own map drawing skills. We had a lovely time making the most of our school setting – we are very lucky to have so much space and it makes activities...
Christingle Orange
Christingle 6.12.24 Our wonderful Mrs Watson-Sparrow, who volunteers with our class on Friday afternoons, very kindly made Christingle oranges with us. We learnt that a Christingle orange is a symbolic object used in Christian services to celebrate the birth of...
6th December 2024
What about taking leave during term time to go on holiday? What about taking leave during term time to go on holiday? It is highly unlikely that a leave of absence will be granted for the purposes of a family holiday. Only the most exceptional circumstances warrant...
13th December 2024
The application form for leave can be found in the attachments at the bottom of this page. In short, please provide school with as much notice and information as possible, ideally at least 6 weeks prior to the requested date of leave. Confirmation will be provided by...