Latest News
13th December 2024
The application form for leave can be found in the attachments at the bottom of this page. In short, please provide school with as much notice and information as possible, ideally at least 6 weeks prior to the requested date of leave. Confirmation will be provided by...
Dogs Trust
The whole school was lucky enough to take part in Dogs Trust workshops, learning how to behave around dogs.
RE- Jesus’s Birth
RE- Jesus’ Birth We are learning all about ‘Why Christmas is important to Christians?”. We have started by reading the Christmas story and looking art pieces that shows key scenes from the story. Despite the art coming from all around the world, have noticed many...
Dark Nights with North Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service
We have been learning about how to safe in the dark with a visit from Andy from the Fire and Rescue Service. We could definitely see him much better in his high-vis jacket.